Let Them Eat the Bugs

Lyrics, video and information about the song „Let Them Eat the Bugs“ by Cobra X

Why is this song by Cobra X called “Let Them Eat the Bugs”? Well, when bugs make it into pop music, we live in crazy times. Some people want to eat insects and are not allowed to. Others don’t want insects in their food and get them anyway. Some want to save the world by eating insects, others warn of considerable health risks for humans.

Cobra X – Let Them Eat the Bugs (Official Music Video 4K)

Cobra X believes that everyone should be able to decide for themselves whether they want to eat insects. Those who absolutely want to eat insects should do so themselves. So, let them eat their bugs!

Cobra X stirs the insect food in the pan.

Let them smell it
Let them knead it
Let them cut it
Really crush it

Let them blanch it
Let them bread it
Let them fry it
Crispy fry it

Cobra X dancing in front of a black bug.

Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now

Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now

Guitar player plays the song “Let Them Eat the Bugs” by Cobra X.

Let them slit it
Let them hack it
Let them mash it
Really squish it

Let them boil it
Let them broil it
If they want it
They shall have it

Cobra X tastes meal worms.

Feed them the bugs now
Feed them the bugs now
Feed them the bugs now
Feed them the bugs now

Feed them the bugs now
Feed them the bugs now
Feed them the bugs now
Feed them the bugs now

Chris Cool is beating the drum pad.

If they want it
They shall have it

Cobra X cuts a worm for the insect snack.

Feed feed feed feed them now
Feed feed feed feed them now
Feed feed feed feed them now
Feed feed feed feed them now

Feed feed feed feed them now
Feed feed feed feed them now
Feed feed feed feed them now
Feed feed feed feed them now

Bass player in the video “Let Them Eat the Bugs” by Cobra X.

Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now
Let them eat the bugs now

Cobra X with a cooked house cricket as an insect snack.
Cobra X offers a cooked house cricket as an insect snack.

Listen to the song on Spotify
